Tuesday, April 10, 2018


有一次跟貓媽媽的義工朋友們在IFC 千両開會,我坐在媽媽身邊,過了個多小時坐在對面卡坐的義工朋友們都不知道我一直都在這裏。

每隔一個星期三我們去做物理治療,好像人類做gym 一樣,訓練肌肉。又會做瑜伽。
我跟小牧kimberly, 小綿羊kimber, 小約瑟,兩隻可愛的松鼠狗等等住在同一個開放空間中。其實她們也好惡,不過人們都覺得她們好漂亮,而我,因為跑得慢又沒有牙,於是便只躲在一角裹。大多數領養人都爭住抱松鼠狗,只有好小人看見我的存在。

We walk pass many black and white men and women rushing pass Central everyday, these straight face people would suddenly go all excited, screaming "oh it's an adorable dog" at me.
My hooman is adventurous and non-conforming, perhaps it's because she doesn't care too much about rules, I ended up having been to a lot more places than many other four-legged friends.
I have took ferry across the water. Taking the MTR and bus is an everyday activity for us, apparently dogs are not allowed on those, but we never fail to manage our ways to get on. Once a bus driver pointed at me and ask if i were a stuffed toys, of course I pretended to be a moving one right away.
I get salad with my hooman and walk through Lane Crawford and hotels without anyone noticing.
My home is a seaside studio of an illustrator - ms mao. I have an extremely energetic and naughty brother siufu. Outside our home is the wide sea and blue sky, even though i am tiny, mom insist on bringing me to the park for walks everyday. She loves to say that I look happiest when walking outside.
After our evening walks, we go to Park n'shop together, other furry friends stay outside, only I get to go pick groceries with my hooman.
Passerbys never shy from exclaiming how cute I am, they just cannot hold their amusement.
Once mama had meetings with other volunteers at IFC Senryo, I sat quietly next to her for almost nearly two hours, and the other volunteers totally didn't know that I was there all that time.
Mama need to see doctor all the time, and everytime i'd accompany her.
Even people who are most scared of dogs are not scared of me, Dr. JY who's always been scared of dogs would hold me in her arms and say i am very adorable.
The day she held me (as person scared of dog all her life) she looked so happy!
When mama and I drink coffee by the street, passerby would asked if they could hold me, not just young people who like cute things, but also men and old ladies too. They would then start retelling the stories of their own dogs, and one even showed us pictures that was stick with tape on the surface of her wallet.
Every other wednesday we would go for physiotherapy like hoomans go to gym to strengthen muscle, and sometimes we do dog yoga together.
My name is Rosie, a tiny poodle somewhere between 5 and 9 years old. My hooman always carry me in her sling, everyone just thought I am a spoiled baby, but actually two of my back knee has grade 3 petulla luxation and my front leg is permanently deformed.

When I was young, I thought I'd come on this world to become someone's beloved pet. I'm petite and pretty, full of affection and healthy. The angels said I would have no problem finding a home - "petit, cute, purebreed..."
So I waited and waited in a pet shop, but all my sibilings has gone apart from me. Nobody buy pets after they become adults they say, so I was transported to this container where there were 40+ other doggos, all of them were barking when we get there, everyone were caged and it smell horrible. I thought the barking were to welcome me, but it didn't end in the 7 years that follow. Our world is an overwhelming space of bad smell, food leftovers that human occasionally bring, and smell of poop and pee. Days after days we waited, but nothing came.
We were occasionally put together with other dogs, which we might not even get along, in small cages. And since then I gave birth to many little puppies, THEY were all taken away, (later I know they were taken away to sell, it didn't bother me much as compared to all the exhaustion of living there) My body deteriorated, I feel extremely exhausted and hot and itchy all the time.
My muscles ached from sitting in a small space years after years.
And one day I blacked out at a flash of pain, when I woke up, my left elbow was broken. For months I lived in pain, I sleep through it to make myself feel better, I gave up hope on living, until suddenly one day, I got grabbed and thrown away.
Perhaps I was too old to be useful anymore. Indeed, all my teeth were rotten, my leg was in pain, my ears was stuck. After some car rides, i arrived at another multi-dog shelter, which was a lot more airy and has people who cuddled me, i later found out it's an adoption centre, called @lap.org.hk I lived there for a month, many people come in everyday to clean our poop and pat us, I shared a room with other doggos that was rescued, a very popular Pom girl, a very bossy sheltie, another tiny yorkie momo; they all seemed to have many human fans. Eventually OF course, someone chose me; which is my current family. Now, even though I only have one Perfect leg, (two with grade 3 pétulla luxation and one permanently deformed) and no teeth; I'm one of the most-well-traveled (within the city) doggie. Having a limping leg didn't stop me from being loved and seeing the world ❤

Saturday, April 7, 2018


因為上得Joanne 的堂多,會學到處理不同狗的方法,世上有驚青狗、興奮狗、有些狗見到狗就想撲過去玩;有些見到車就驚到橫衝直撞,不上堂不知,其實每個問題都有各自的解決方法,唔係死拉住隻狗就可以;如果不好好處理反而會使壞習慣變得更壞。
今天帶小黑Vanta 和Rosie 去跟另一隻LAP領養的唐狗Poell 行山。Poell 是一隻性格好好、一歲左右的毛孩,但有時見到有些狗/小朋友會太興奮想衝過去玩,因為太大隻,25公斤;有些狗主會怕怕;所以Poell 的walker 會拉住他,久而久之他便錯失了跟其他狗兒學習玩耍的機會;有時會因為一時興奮吠其他狗或者想撲往小孩子身上嚇他們(因為每次見到小孩walker 都拉住他,他慢慢會以為所有小孩都是危險的)現在要努力socialise 他,讓他多跟一些性格平靜的狗兒一起去行行山、社交一下。若他做得好,只是輕輕去聞聞Vanta 就大讚他一番、主人要好專心觀察,假如察覺到他準備衝動想衝去撲人前就要轉移他的視線。(唔係等他撲了才大罵他一番)
另外就是never let an encounter end at a bad note, 例如兩隻狗見面,興奮的狗真係做得不好,去撲另一隻狗,也要來回再跟他行走和回去那隻狗那邊,讓他們再lightly greet,做對了不撲就大讚一翻。
至於性格害羞的Vanta, 在家裹總是躲在同一個角落,老師教要把她覺得安全的範圍慢慢增加,否則她有天就會覺得全世界只有那一個小角落是安全的。
其實Vanta 己經唔算天下最驚的狗狗了。但也要好好每天練習,在較靜的地方有時站一會,看看其實其他人或車是不會襲擊她的。當她過了兩三個星期發現這個在街上的一個點是安全的,就要她在那一個點sit, 肯sit 的話就通常代表她在那一個點無咁緊張了。
另外在家裹,也要把有我和Rosie 的毛巾放在她現在那角落頭的兩寸外,然後多多在那兩寸外坐,等她要過來聞,慢慢在家中duplicate 多些安全的地方,但要每周移少少,不可以一次移太多。
Managing Separation Anxiety
第一就是在家中找一條戴有好多好多我跟Rosie 放鬆時的氣味的毛巾放在她家裹。
另外,減少離開前的執袋呀、去厠所的動作。讓她不要build up tension.
亦可以在每次離開前餵她吃東西,和放一件帶有特別濃的氣味(Rosie 和我)的玩具給她,讓她不會覺得我們離開後就什麼都沒有。
老師在澳洲唯一政府認可的狗狗訓練學校考牌的。她說訓練搜毒犬也要分濃度的,如果每次只是給10 gram 海洛英給狗聞,慢慢佢會以為只係10 gram 才要報告,當你給30 gram, 1 kg 海洛英給他,他會以為不用報告的;所以獎勵和陪伴她的毛巾和玩具是要不同的。
另外搞咁多係因為好多驚青狗都唔為食,不能只用食物。vanta 就只係鍾意狗和我,特別不太跟她主人。對我媽媽,義工Silvia, Ann 和Joanne 老師都很好。

至於Rosie,老師總是說最緊要讓她覺得安全,要保護她。因為在繁殖場出來的小狗好多時對狗都沒有好印象(forced mating)。而且她知道自己無牙和跛。
她的training 主要在physiotherapy 方面。但若要做一個盡責的pawrents 其實也要花好多時間。其中一樣是要每一個小時左右跟我的貓玩一次。因為我ADHD 貓好喜歡Rosie,但太多精力了,會嚇親Rosie。
另外有些練習是讓Rosie慢慢習慣貓的movement 的。