Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Monday, November 28, 2011

Almost never cooked properly since I came here. So today, I shopped a whole bag of yellow and green lemony limey food, made buckwheat crepe, half with sweetcorn and tuna (without mayo) and another half with lemon, lime mousse, banana, and blueberry. first savory, then sweet. with iceberg lettuce. thankz betts mama for cinnamon, next time I can add cinnamon in the flour/egg mix : )
Met up with UWCers for brunch, and bumped into Alicia. Spent a nice quiet little afternoon at Jocalatte. saw some nice people in college. now, write xmas card & work!
Saturday, November 26, 2011

今天在圖書館很久,七時後決定休息,做了簡單的壽司,一邊看禮儀師的奏鳴曲(又睇?今次睇比上次更好睇!)一邊畫畫。畫畫是我做的活動中最難的之一,七年前的我說,因為那是我唯一perfectionist的事。早餐時,什少見的生態研究員同屋剛從非洲帶了很多稀有蝴蝶回來,粉紅色長尾巴的叫moon moth真好聽。
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Went to a talk 'Mao's Forgotten Successor: the Political Career of Hua Guofeng,' pretty interesting.
can't believe it's week seven!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011

Watched Hiroshima mon amour today : )
Trying to watch 平成狸合戦ぽんぽこfor class, which I have not watched before. Once again encountered people emailing me with the preconception of me being sick of reading critical text, and looking forward to graduate asap; reality is quite the contrary, though I feel extremely unknowledgeable it sometimes hurts my heart, but I also love everything i'm doing, the intellectual challenge, or else I won't even give a x to think... lol . I miss japan very much tho, esp onsen.
Thursday, November 17, 2011

徐志摩曾說離美國後,仍一如草包,但住在劍橋時,每天忙著散步、划船、騎自轉車、抽煙、閒談、吃五點鐘茶、嚐油烤餅、看閒書,回國時發現自己原先只是一肚子顢頇。他在《吸煙與文化》 一文曾說:「我的眼是康橋教我睜的,我的求知欲是康橋給我撥動的,我的自我的意識是康橋給我胚胎的。」I wish I were in cam in 1922 for one reason - it must be less scary to cycle back then. need to bake a little sunshine crepe suzette cake as the day gets shorter. i seriously, desperately need to work now. i spent the evening - literally - listening to music... it could be so engaging even without words, without image
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

-- Walter Benjamin
Autumn is a great time to find beautiful plants, today, the little white berries/flowers that I am always curious in appear just in front of me on the pavement. brightened up my otherwise very gloomy day. They told me it is possibly a mistletoe! This is the first time I felt Xmas might be on its way. told by nature. I love it so much. What more can I say? How often do you lie to yourself without knowing?
Monday, November 14, 2011

夜はちょっと変なレストランへ行った、でも新しい友達が会った、一緒にbubble teaを飲みに行くことにした : )
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011

I managed to find somewhere that I really like in this strange library. It's cozy, the ceilings are low, books are small, with a window, and rarely anybody walk passes :P
Yesterday, I felt too tired to walk home, today, i felt impossible to walk home, with the many books I borrowed, all hardcover... ventured through a new path, walked through some pretty gardens, and saw a fat little white cat, almost surreal.
time for some self-criticism for my essay
Friday, November 11, 2011

done tonnes of walking and meeting people today, been to Uni Library, AMES library, met sijia, betts, alyona and erica, separately. went on bookshop crawl, while carrying 6+ books + laptop. it's so great to sit down in solitude now.
the sky was beautiful today, the coffee I made was great. but now I just feel tired. And after my serious reading-indulgence, it's once again time to revise my previous writing, and email my supervisor.
I came to an answer to my previous struggle.
I like the sofa, lighting and the old books here, I wanna have a nice home. Yeah, just finished email to supervisor!
I cannot let myself to write anything that is second-rate in my heart, and cannot let myself to just say it without materializing it anymore! edited/21:14, i started off feeling extremely tired and annoyed 3 hours ago, now feeling calm and happy, a nice way to spend the evening, on my own, reading, and finishing at least some work.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Monday, November 7, 2011

happy day in London, and now - study hard! hopefully coming week won't be way too eventful but have lots to look forward for the weekend. n i m actually looking forward to my lemon yoghurt in ceramics pot & oatmeal for breakfast.
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Friday, November 4, 2011

疲れたけど、本当に楽しかった。新しくて面白い友達があいました。seems like it's harder to meet new friends (not juz fb frds) as one gets older, so it's especially great when we do. had a very fun night at trinity college formal dinner, with gab, julian and scarlette. then we visited julian's room, which had to be accessed through a near complete dark wood, his room is obviously very nice with HUGE L-shaped windows facing some sort of creeks or lake, his collection of rolleiflex, films, and books is even more impressive. passion gleams as people talk about the things they love and care, Scarlette too loves movies films n take beautiful photos, she used to b an archi student like all of us, but quit in the middle, to study what she thought was right in Netherlands n germany :) and it seems that the more people know the humbler they are, regardless of age. have to meet my supervisor tomorrow. aw, this is a little magical place. i wish i know more.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
First of november.
we had a really nice lecture on modern poetry today.
everybody looked so happy with dessert
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