Thursday, March 29, 2012


with pansy at mamie gateaux, tried so many japonais x french cafes & restaurants here in paris. there's something so great about being in cities where you no longer need to navigate your way with a map. cafe breizh's crepe is so great. everyone should try! they also have branches in tokyo! wonder if it's as good! i must say that as much as i love paris very much, i keep missing tokyo! Carrément gingembre or carrément miel? Crêpe with pine honey, Acadia honey and chouchen (honey liqueur), ice cream! crêpe suzette: caramel au beurre, salé à l'orange, quartiers d'orange flambée grand marnière
it's so great my room here in paris is so quiet. thought of the importance of being calm in heart too. 20 little cities. or 1 little city.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


shine shine. being in cambridge makes me witness people around me shining all the time. reminds me to work harder, have to spend tomorrow finishing more stuff. thankz ms. pansy for all the great food she spent days preparing in ritz! pink petals' dancing in the air, feel like i can sit under the tree all day. lots of lovely books, wish I could bring them all home. French picturebooks just are so so so different. tomorrow: read, study the books, write, draw. repeat.

Monday, March 26, 2012


french weekend away, bringing back to Parisien home a baby akita inu just one month old, two boxes of red wine from the chateau, 50+ pieces of fresh fromages... lots of fresh air and beautiful colour of the french countryside.
thought of the cat that lives around different houses in whisper from the heart

on a acheter du vin, du fromage. le fromage est bon. le chien est mignon. j'etait conte. well i only learnt french in elementary sch :| voila, bonne nuit  

Saturday, March 24, 2012


voila! feel like experiencing another whole new paris again this time, every time. just never have enough time to sit by the river and draw, i just loved that so much. sanukiya, japanese udon shop, feels like an interesting mixture between tai hang and paris; went shopping for fleurs with an auntie who does interior decoration, never knew such beautiful flowers and decoration could be sooooo inexpensive in wholesale places! will be driving 8+ hours down south tomorrow!! trying to extend my stay :P

Thursday, March 22, 2012


在巴黎開初,質疑自己為什麼要離開恬靜的劍橋. 為了節散數千元旅館費住在朋友家,卻要在餐館儲物小角等上數小時,也不是問題,只是有點討厭應籌。尤其在火車上沒停地聽坐在旁邊的人跟我說話,很沒趣,怎麼單獨旅行那麼久仍學不會冷漠點。接近深夜,認為不能再壞時,來接我的人終於出現了,幸好他們全都很好,做的食物很好很好吃,花擺得很美,百合香氣四溢,愛動物,住在巴黎市郊的獨立屋,正計劃到日本旅行,常常要吃日本料理,而且周末會帶我一起開車到法國郊區買花,及看她訂了兩年才有剛剛出世三星期的秋田犬。要清晨五點出發的活動正適合我。你看,事情最終總會變好,明天還有巴黎的crepe 及其他的好東西,塞納河畔,書店,好喝的咖啡及跟pansy 晚飯等待着我!: )  joyce 四月會來探我啊,好期待! feel so thankful.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


這裹寧靜的生活很好,同時有點奇怪,所有人都去旅行或回家去,晚上坐在房間裹好像劍橋只有我一個人,不過其實這樣還不錯,可以靜靜的慢慢的做我的工作,except十分想我的朋友,討厭熟悉的掛念感覺。日間天氣很好,每天都有不同朋友仔找我到河邊玩,可以跟平常很少一起玩的朋友多點認識,還很不錯,所以總的來說,還挺喜歡這樣的生活,except 明天要到巴黎去。不會在river cam旁看書,而在le seine,不過應該會不錯吧,不要說笑,腦海想想那個有地鐵的大城市,有點吃驚,「習慣」了只需要走路的劍橋城(真的嗎?我不是大半生都住在大城市裹嗎?)太陽照進工作室的桌面,綠茶蛋糕跟咖啡,我在看的blog 令我很想日本。

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


今天跟同學走路去grantchester, 很想試試punt 到這邊,有人泊下punt在河邊野餐,還自備燒烤爐。見到一個很大的氫氣球(直徑至少70cm),我很想要一個啊,這是我今年生日想要的,懸着氫氣球的punting trip. 那裹還有一個室外茶室。The history of The Orchard started in 1897 when a group of Cambridge students asked the landlady, Mrs Stevenson of Orchard House, if they could take their tea in the orchard beneath the blossoming fruit trees rather than on the front lawn. This practice soon became the norm, and the place grew in popularity. The next phase in the history of The Orchard began when the poet Rupert Brooke took up lodging in the house in 1909. A graduate student of great popularity in the university community at the time, Brooke soon attracted a great following at the place, among them Virginia Woolf, John Maynard Keynes, E.M. Forster, Bertrand Russell, Augustus John, and Ludwig Wittgenstein – the so-called Grantchester Group, or the neo-pagans as Woolf called them.
sometimes my dependence bugs me. esp since it's so paradoxical. 

Monday, March 19, 2012


Trinity bar關門後,一群東亞研究系的學生在好凍的街角討論可以去邊,突然碰到另一個系內的undergrad,他能說超純正的普通話,連台灣同學扮北京口音說話也給他聽出來。一群不同國籍的人,在劍橋街頭說流利的日語和中文,很不可思議。左下:對了,是我抄白爪魚同學看那本書,我的封面是不是較美?左上角,LPC 的同學們啊!

Sunday, March 18, 2012


跟外國人唱K好像LPC的canteen party! post-karaoke 失聲。生日會。生日會。生日會。不停的生日會。昨天跟同學仔formal,出奇地好開心 .今早收到黃欣的信,開心開心。在非洲工作的同屋帶了新鮮咖啡回來,好好味。

Friday, March 16, 2012


already not wanna leave cambridge. 


今天真好。是真的野餐,還有lobster & champagne, 自已焗的蛋糕。太好了。河邊的人都很開心。然後吃了生日飯,去了Bach St. John Passion Concert. Lent term 咁快就完喇!
Can't stop thinking about our unplanned success, fun was added as we can't stop ourselves from looking at the porter every ten minutes! loved the lobster, smoked salmon, salami, raspberries, strawberries, cheesecake, melon, bread and everything...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


ここでは, いつでも空を仰ぎ見っても、木のみがいっぱい、鉢の皆さんとの時間を思い出した。夕方に小さくて曲がり街に歩いて、子供の頃カナダでの時間みたい。何処でも梅花がいっぱい、綺麗ね。とても大変な一日後、静かな静かな散歩であった. そしておいしくて簡単な魚とアスパラガスラーメンを作った。在這裹只要舉頭一看,便會看到樹上滿滿是圓圓的木の実、很美,總會想起在日本的日子,雖然正值初春,耳邊也會響起仲夏的蟬鳴聲。很累的一天以後,在深藍色的天空下靜靜地走回家,梅花盛放的時節,還有很多其他花。把雪櫃裹剩下的一點鱈雪和三文魚煮了麵,還加入新鮮的蘆荀,蘆荀真好。周末畫的畫,畫水墨畫真的很開心,因為需要專心。

Sunday, March 11, 2012


今日は晴れてます、雲、空がとてもきれい!部屋には日光がさんさんと注いでいる。家前の木はピンクの花を咲く。晴れ渡る空が未来に希望を与えてくれるよね. 外に行きたい。
Remembering tohoku with hope. ♥

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Really, is this what I should be doing?! Writing recipe, thinking of the smell of the wooden cabin by the flowing river in the forest... planning how to boil the yuzu into jam? and listening to Les Mis? In the rain the pavement shines like silver All the lights are misty in the river In the darkness, the trees are full of starlight And all I see is him and me forever and forever I love him But when the night is over He is gone The river's just a river Without himThe world around me changes The trees are bare and everywhere The streets are full of strangers
Conclusion: one week to term end!

Thursday, March 8, 2012


今日はここのアートスタジオに行った、絵本イラストレーションの専門クラスです!学生さんの修了制作展も行った、見たら、私も描きたいよ!Haven't been in a crit for ages, we attended a picturebook illustration Master course crit today! Some work was extremely impressive!!Seeing all these illustrations just makes me miss Japan! And went shopping for vintage sewing machine with Charlotte, that is even more like what you see in Japanese cafes! 今夜は月がとてもきれい

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I am tired, and I am complaining, I don't want to be writing what I am writing. But I also know I should just work harder, I also know that I will not give up things that are important to me, and the things that I want to achieve. For now, the thoughts of making pies out of bitter seville oranges, while writing postcards and listening to the river flow would just have to be shoved aside.
Illustration by Kitty Crowther, really like her works! That's the forest of text, and this is the forest I want to be in. (pic
Do miracles happen?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012



Saturday, March 3, 2012


陰天的周六早上, 發現了新的最愛。周末午前圖書館已這麼多人,感覺很好呢,雨點下在綠樹、長竿撐到河底去、河上天鵝的打架聲,懸在水上的圖書館內也聽到。大木船上的沙化旁,依然很暖很靜。
風流とは、満開のさくらを見たり、曇りのない満月を眺めたりすることだと思ってはいけない。雨を見ながら月にあこがれたり、家にこもって過ぎた春を思っ たりするのも、また趣(おもむき)があって風流なことである。さらに言えば、開きかけた花のつぼみや、庭に散りしおれた花びらこそが鑑賞に値する。


忍不住看閒書。印象派畫家、日本文學、十八世紀詩人對和諧的幻想、毛筆與水墨的靈魂..... 怎麼我在圖書館寫文章,卻胡亂「執」了那麼多閒書。
系內有一個好叻的法籍研究生,文章不但寫得好,觀點獨到,而且已出版了四本兒童書,仲係一個好靚女,好正常的人。我們也該努力點,周末好好準備星期一見老師的事,假期把故事寫好。很想知道有關他的事。正在看的書挺好看,右邊圖裹那本。朋友說這裹是 小清新,也是森ガール。本当に森の中に住みたい。

Friday, March 2, 2012


So tired from the past few days of work, week six, two more weeks of hard work. really want to achieve a lot today as well. After sending my draft to my supervisor yesterday, I freed myself back to beautiful nature, found a new spot next to the river, the sunlight danced in the moving water. can't describe how beautiful that is, (and how well Monet painted water) flowers are blooming everywhere. we found out that there's this unsweetened yoghurt + raspberry and museli in king's college cafe! attended formal hall at Peterhouse, they have a really nice hall, and had a drink with family! Saw the pictures of Snow Matsurii in Hachi, it's so beautiful, especially the snow lantern. 私も行きたい。the reality is - constantly stuck in words, 文字的森林