因為這幅畫,我愛上了坐在家中用望遠鏡觀看經過的船。 當然我本來也很喜歡小船, 但發現原來窗外的船每一艘都很不同。還有好多工作未做啊。
年三十晚,我給榕樹公公寫了一封信 榕樹公公你好嗎? 我跟你一樣都住在南區的,很多時在香港仔吃早餐後會經過你及你腳下的紅色小廟,真的很可愛。 聽說不止是香港有榕樹公公廟的,不知道是誰幫你建這座小屋子的呢?你周圍也有好多好多神仙啊,他們都住在你的樹蔭下,可能你們也會晚晚開派對,周圍山上面的樹木一定好羡慕。 榕樹公公,通常啲人嚟求你乜嘢㗎,係唔係保衛郊野公園呢。 今天是年三十,祝你農暦新年快樂。 還有,我在畫中有畫你的,因為你是神仙,一定可以在千百棵樹中找到你自己。 貓小姐上 P.S. 有一本出版於二十世紀初的旅遊書,裏面介紹了沿薄扶林往香港仔漁村的一段路,原來那時海邊沿路是種滿樹木的,不知道你是否從那時一直已經在這裹呢? "The road is a beautiful one, well-shaded in many places by tree, on the left hand towering Peaks and on the right the glassy sea. Aberdeen is a quaint little Chinese village opposite to which is the island of Applichau. One will be struck with the many snug little nooks that are used for bathing in the summer, by the strange formations of some of the rocks and by the caves sunk into them at various places through the wave-action of untold centuries. Here and there fishing boats are to be seen and if one has the good-fortune to come across the Aberdeen fishing fleet coming or going it is a sight to be remembered." P.P.S. 如果螢光幕面前的你就是榕樹公公,歡迎你回信!