Friday, April 29, 2011
saw some clouds flying pass . saw some beautiful illustrations and painting . was raining heavily at work this morning. another full day of work tmr. i painted spring. but i feel more like painting something that feels like the night. has many emails to reply and stuff not sorted yet. contributes. more appropriate to go to bed now? gnocchi, get down to the recipe in a bit. felt so tired after work ytd n today to an extent i wanted to cry - pathetic isn't it. unhealthy. there's something urgently to be painted as well. discrete. i v. miss the tsumori chisato yellow. resuming painting and yoga, and jogging and more tennis.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

this is not, but we occasionally give out gifts here too, especially on such a yellowy-pink day.
Quick note: enlarge the picture, you will find a hand-drawn envelope, with $5 stamp already glued on, but it needs to find a recipient. Anyone interested? Can't wait to post it. gotta go tennis, ttyl.omg, deborah josephine - we should do letter exchange - chain story - chained by stamped envelopes. other people can do it with me too. but actually have to do it, not stop after 3!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
等車,是我工作一部份嗎?這幾天早上在草木之中工作,挺可愛的。我們常說起有關寫作或畫畫的困惑。有時挺懊惱。好似那很不爽的長途電話中的你吧。我想你還是留在美國好,要不是你會天天對我埋怨?! 哈.很難想像你喜歡香港,知道嗎?
我很愛我的大學同學,LPC 的同學仔,暑假教過的學生... 但想不到時至今日,原來我依然是很愛一起長大的Muso& 宿舍朋友。找回七年前同muso/dorm 朋友仔一齊去北海道的相了。想要的你,我有空會寄給你。近日很少見他們,很少想,只是偶意whatsapp,看看面書,但我猜對muso&宿舍一起長大的人的愛,永遠都比較多。尤其兩者overlap的,就是一家人那樣子。感覺不用常常見,但也充滿愛和瞭解。當然也不想常常聚會。你看那石屎森林,那就是香港。近日我慣了坐車時用電話寫部落格。哈。何をためらっているんだ。
我很愛我的大學同學,LPC 的同學仔,暑假教過的學生... 但想不到時至今日,原來我依然是很愛一起長大的Muso& 宿舍朋友。找回七年前同muso/dorm 朋友仔一齊去北海道的相了。想要的你,我有空會寄給你。近日很少見他們,很少想,只是偶意whatsapp,看看面書,但我猜對muso&宿舍一起長大的人的愛,永遠都比較多。尤其兩者overlap的,就是一家人那樣子。感覺不用常常見,但也充滿愛和瞭解。當然也不想常常聚會。你看那石屎森林,那就是香港。近日我慣了坐車時用電話寫部落格。哈。何をためらっているんだ。
Monday, April 25, 2011
: ) 很累了,剛回到家,末來數天早上九點要到西貢那邊工作,但我還是想先把今天記下來- 因為快樂。簡單點吧。早上天空仍被黃色毒霧濃罩,有點不悅,但仍堅持外出,說好了的嘛,不能這樣。太陽那麼的猛,往沒去過的地方出發。新的東西令愛探險的白羊座沿途掛住會心微笑。走上小山丘看到古怪的裝置藝術,遇上一個陶瓷工作室和藝術家,在海邊燒泥,真幸福,令我想起burano的黄色屋。還有大樹,叫做wowo的小唐狗,海風等等(還有地mou茶樓和crepe!)。單車都被租走了,但心信還會有下次,所以不用著急,黃昏時再往平靜的海出發,有le condon bleu graduate 做的「是蛋糕」和北海道麵粉做的橄魚乾茄水牛芝士大磨菇菇pizza(事實上一邊在看平面圖 :O) 在微光的小廳吃晚飯,真幸福。說起近日Chernobyl 核故二十五周年那些報導,很奇怪當天的前線人員今天仍在被訪問,所以我們說,還是繼續用北海道麵粉,比吃中國粉絲也許長命一點。空氣很清涼。每次都想搬往那裏去。明天要工作,我要睡了。
Saturday, April 23, 2011
假如今天還未夠好,跟鄰家雪撬打個小招呼吧,他們的眼神跟小孩子一樣,總是那麼專注和純真,你稍稍跟他談一會天,他會用雪撬獨有的哨子高音的叫着,彷彿叫你多抱一下。真可愛。當然還有妹芝妹之。買一張飛毯 飛到波爾多 去看我二百歲的外婆和我小時養的花豹波波。好鍾意。大好きね。
假如今天還未夠好,跟鄰家雪撬打個小招呼吧,他們的眼神跟小孩子一樣,總是那麼專注和純真,你稍稍跟他談一會天,他會用雪撬獨有的哨子高音的叫着,彷彿叫你多抱一下。真可愛。當然還有妹芝妹之。買一張飛毯 飛到波爾多 去看我二百歲的外婆和我小時養的花豹波波。好鍾意。大好きね。
Friday, April 22, 2011
第36個故事。哎吔,好好睇呀。好看的故事通常都是最簡單的,從日常生活中取材。原本還怕是那些懶有情調,充滿失落感的沉悶故事,但原來好得意,搞笑,靚,正面。看起來很舒服。完全沒有渲染愛情的片段。妹妹和姊姊的對話很氣人卻很真實。妹姊和媽媽的對話十分之笑死人。真的有點想多看一遍。用歌聲去換童謠書的日本客人,用心愛的吉他去換木馬的爸爸,有些人在換失落的記憶,有些人在換未展開的未來。有些人在這過程中領悟到自己想要的。有捨才有得。那一車的山芋,太漂亮了。還有好多好靚的插圖和畫。好多位都好有意思。桂綸鎂, 林辰唏,一個好靚一個好型。唔識講你地聽個故事係講乜同埋點解好睇,但就係好好睇。令我期待我地upcoming的旅程。電影拍攝場地-朵兒咖啡館是真有其店呀,六月你會陪我去嗎?呵呵呵。
Thursday, April 21, 2011
唔知呢個世界有幾多人真係可以/會咁樣呢。北海道好靚呀。估唔到紗枝結局時返到北海道,子どもたちに英語を教える,在她的小屋柔柔綠草和花水木旁講三隻小豬的故事給幼兒園小朋友聽。本当に幸せになる。一個好典形的愛情故事,兩個來自北海道小鎮的年青人-聰明漂亮的紗枝和讀水產中學當漁夫的康平,隨住紗枝要到東京讀大學,兩人展開的遠距離恋愛,不只是距離的distance,還面對很不同的未來。年輕這一段挺感動的,演得很好。聖誕節重遇時,康平擁着她、真的令人回想到「我很想你 想死我了」那種bittersweet 的感覺。在北海道,康平的捕漁工作多次遭削資,本來已經很辛苦的工作,彷彿總是在邊緣上掙扎求存,也許遠在東京的紗枝就算能夠明白那感覺,也很難為康平做些什麼。真的long d 唔係距離上的long d la,而係當兩個人不能共同享受/理解/支持大家的理想的distance吧。如康平對妙枝說「紗枝の未来に俺はいなかったもんな」也許你的未來裏從來沒有我、還有那些小心地用大盒子裝着手造小木船模型的情景,都很初戀的感覺,挺可愛的。純愛電影,就是這樣吧,當然他們肯定都在對方心目中有一定的地位,但不是那麼多的巧合,他們總不能再一起。風景很美,故事很甜美,主角也是,世界上有多少這樣的童話呢?就算你的愛情故事裏面沒有十年後再相遇相愛的童話情節,相信都依然可以很甜美的。鄉郊單卡JR, 很想日本。香港,今天你的天還是那樣子.... 趕快開始去種些草木吧。期待第三十六個故事 ; )
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Monday, April 18, 2011
For a certain number of reasons, I am feeling a little annoyed. But I really shouldn't because this is childish, nothing in this world is perfect, and we have long learnt. I should feel better, and there is more work to be done tomorrow. Sorted out a number of stuff today, had a nice lunch, taught a reli cute class. They are suchhhh sweeties, i love them. I used to find this class really difficult to teach, they are noisy, and loves to talk, easily lose concentration, yet now the chemistry is great, probably because they are all active kids, they can get really engaged when they are used to the environment, and if the activity is interesting enough. And since they are mainly talkative, they give really good responses making the class very interactive as well. These 4.5 year old kids are building some big paper mache horses recently.
Somehow I had no appetite today, probably cuz it's turning warm again, had two macarons and a latte for lunch, and three palm size wo wo tao for dinner. Drawing huge chalkboard for the upcoming TDC exhibition at the Convention & Exhibition Centre, quite nice that I have the view of Bank of China and Victoria Harbour behind the blackboard. but it's a little challenging, because... of various reasons. There is still one more to paint tomorrow, and have to edit out stuff from this one, hope everything will turn out fine. I walked pass the highly dense harbour outside HKCEC today, there was nice sea breeze. There are people who struggle for their dreams, so not easy if you think about it, living against the tides, and think of all the negative advises u might get. What do you think?
Somehow I had no appetite today, probably cuz it's turning warm again, had two macarons and a latte for lunch, and three palm size wo wo tao for dinner. Drawing huge chalkboard for the upcoming TDC exhibition at the Convention & Exhibition Centre, quite nice that I have the view of Bank of China and Victoria Harbour behind the blackboard. but it's a little challenging, because... of various reasons. There is still one more to paint tomorrow, and have to edit out stuff from this one, hope everything will turn out fine. I walked pass the highly dense harbour outside HKCEC today, there was nice sea breeze. There are people who struggle for their dreams, so not easy if you think about it, living against the tides, and think of all the negative advises u might get. What do you think?
Sunday, April 17, 2011
my macaron map
Paul Lafayet (10) - texture is similar to two UFO plastic plate stuck together by some artificial sweet glue, tried more than once, find it horrible every attempt. Displeasing food colouring
Caramel, Almond, Chocolate, Green tea, Lemon, Sesame, Rose, Pistachio, Passionfruit, Mocha, Praline, Ginger
Ritz Carlton (5) - beautiful outlook, acceptable texture, unacceptable taste
black truffle, mandarin, green tea, raspberry, chocolate
Le Gouter Bernardaud (16) - my personal favourite, beautiful colour, crusty but tender, wide variety, sometimes has surprises, recent one is "black forest" with little stars sprinkled on top, and tastes just like black forest. Same theory as reflection in a drop. amazing. tea.
Coquelicot Pamplemousse, Earl Grey, Cafe, Rose, Ginger, Olive, Chocolat Amer, Coco Chocolat, salted caramel butter, mango citron vert, frambroise, pistache, caramel cafe,
Ceres Boulangerie et Patisserie - often out of supply, looks like an oversized balloon
hazelnute, orange, cinnamon, citrus, passion fruit...
La Maison du Chocolat (6) - Not bad really, just that I don't like eating chocolate. $20
caramel, vanille, chocolat, framboise, et chocolat avec cassis
Jean Paul Hevin (15) $20 - TOO sweet......... the sweetness is unacceptable, the variety doesn't suits me. the colour is reli weird, i mean really. Lots of ppl like their macarons though.
Amer, Bergamote, Cafe, Caramel, Fig, Frambroise, Mandarin, Orange Gingembre, Pamplemousse, Passion Fruit, Pastiche, Pralin, Vanilla.
Sift (10) - A little artificial. Central's Sift's menu is a lot better for sure. Not amazing but not horrible. won't make you wanna encore
Jasmine, pistachio, Caramel, Rose, Raspberry, Coffee, Vanilla...
Roll - like two UFO plastic plates stuck together with artificial over sweet sugar.... rolls much better than their macarons.
Forest Bird - haven't tried.
Robuchon - don't always have, very few favours, but acceptable taste
Island Gourmet - want to try
Mandarin Oriental - occasionally available, chocolate oriented, but i dun like chocolate
Thomas Haas (10) - not much impression, outlook not particularly appealing, walked pass many times without daring to try, should be average. but they have salt flavour chocolate
Vanilla, Lemon, Pistachio, Coffee, Berries, Chocolate
Laduree/France - gems!
Pierre Herme/Tokyo - gems!
"好chur"is the word.工作如是,玩樂如是。七天前才剛回到香港。過去這七天有點瘋狂呢。剛剛下班,已經是星期天的晚上,昨天下班,看到doot咭上班時間係0834 - 0300 (翌日),不過一面在想,雖然是做到很夜,但不會有怨氣,因為一起工作的人都很有效率(好重要,最憎d人做野慢同無效率,成日以為自已做到好夜就係做左好多),大家做得很開心,用竹砌了一個很大的潛水艇,見到唔同展覧,十分讚嘆,勁呀。星期六早上返工真係好鬼開心,雖然係十分之疲累,但係九點的小孩子十分得意。明天有另一個短的freelance project 開始,有兩天時間完成,希望在會展的半空工作不會太嘔心吧.... 上周,還去了山頂: ) 又看了兩套很好看的電影,真的很好,從口音,題材,故事敍述手法,script 到音樂都很好。很想有多點這類形的好戲。想念彩色的島。想到森林漫步。想睡覺。對,還有兩件事想做,一件事要做。星期三,一定要做,星期天又有另一個「死線」。日本早くよくなりたい。今日はとても可愛い日本人子供を来ました。現在亦都要畫另一些東西,至少畫少少吧,四月是藝術工作月?
The old cup is much prettier.
Note: Hanamizuki, beautiful lies, taipei exchanges
The old cup is much prettier.
Note: Hanamizuki, beautiful lies, taipei exchanges
Thursday, April 14, 2011
很久沒有入戲院睇戲,勁多人成日問我去唔去睇戲,但自從-- 我對這個活動(去戲院睇戲)完全失去了興趣,就是不喜歡去吧。不過我今晚會去戲院睇戲,在那黑色的小箱中,人們整齊的排排坐,望着映像投影在平面的牆上,挺古怪的。是因為這句句子,我覺得有點吸引-「開始發現身邊的人全都有一個共通點 – 就是「原來過得不快樂」
Edited/做好了兩件事,哈。Laduree 的Macaron 是最好吃的。從法國來的粉彩紙,是天下最好用的畫紙。棉花糖口中溶掉 得我明白那滋味 可不可收成 並沒預期 精彩的是我怎喜歡你 她的歌的旋律很吸引。
Edited/做好了兩件事,哈。Laduree 的Macaron 是最好吃的。從法國來的粉彩紙,是天下最好用的畫紙。棉花糖口中溶掉 得我明白那滋味 可不可收成 並沒預期 精彩的是我怎喜歡你 她的歌的旋律很吸引。
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
小狗狗lele 的眼神真可愛。我想不到放那一張相,而且很不想放多過一張有自己個樣的相!不過我鍾意那幅牆,又鍾意那黑色木箱中拍的... 所以....
曾聽過某些朋友問點解我可以將酒店房/宿舍房咁快變到咁「自己」,可能我係遊牧民族呀!但我想這不是好事,彷彿我在in transit state 感到more at home than at home。大変。聽上去有點可笑吧,但其實不是一種可笑的心境。
小狗狗lele 的眼神真可愛。我想不到放那一張相,而且很不想放多過一張有自己個樣的相!不過我鍾意那幅牆,又鍾意那黑色木箱中拍的... 所以....
曾聽過某些朋友問點解我可以將酒店房/宿舍房咁快變到咁「自己」,可能我係遊牧民族呀!但我想這不是好事,彷彿我在in transit state 感到more at home than at home。大変。聽上去有點可笑吧,但其實不是一種可笑的心境。
Monday, April 11, 2011

My 13.3 inches macbook air connects me to the wide but distressing world. So we just can't live a day without pathetic news. On the shore where we had ice-cream, there's a newspaper stand, the headline of Newsweek reads "Kate the Great - In a world gone to hell - thank God, a wedding." I don't have much feeling towards these monarchy stuff, and have no idea how many people actually feel joyous towards the wedding. But perhaps that's what everyone needs, some - positive distraction? Under the strong sunlight, we took the boat to a little place where pretty much no tourists go? We sat by the calming sea and observe boats sail pass, typically my favourite kind of activity. We wonder what the boats do, transport water? sailing to some far away places? We dwelled in a detached little moment between blue skies and turquoise water
Little kiddies what will you become. Julia's auntie once told me that Julia was crying during my leave. Have I mentioned a book about storytelling and character building? Do you think character could really be "built" or is it pretty much inborn? Are you a little shiny light in the dark dark night?
Do you want me to paint a new lamp? Do you want to make tiramisu? Where is my pink tulip? Maybe we should grow some in HK? If they don't die in the yellow smog? Reminds me of "Mia's Story" by Michael Foreman, just a few pages, with pretty picture, check it out next time you go to the library or a nearby bookstore. Bring your granny to work day(Reuters). haha.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
One of my favourite purchase in venice was a small airplane merry-go-around tin-toy. Tin-wind-up toy. We were so amazed when he showed us how it turns around. He probably thought we were funny. it's great how you pointed out the sweetness of old toys - delighting even without battery. Love Niki and CC's comment too. ANA is beautiful! Just noticed a friend was reported by Mingpao 科大生赴英讀演藝 爭取贊助 放棄電腦工程尋夢想, his facebook note is moving too - his determination shines through his words. Witnessing him striving silently throughout the years is inspirational. Isn't it both great and scary to be surrounded by so many exceptional friends? And coincidentally, the radio is playing this song.今 負けそうで 泣きそうで 消えてしまいそうな僕は 誰の言葉を信じ歩けばいいの? 荒れた青春の海は厳しいけれど 明日の岸辺へと 夢の舟よ進め
Saturday, April 9, 2011
away from stressful news, away from overwhelming internet, only sunshine, random wanders, thunderstorm, sound of water outside the window, treasure hunting in bookshops, colourful houses, 4 am sunrise, caprese a time-difference-less world of direct communication. why is it difficult even though we are so used to saying goodbye.
the gate i am at right now in Munich, is for an ANA flight to tokyo. so there's many japanese here :) the airport here is quiet
how much i don't wish to be back in reality, because... being in reality is so gloomy & heart-sinking. more more photos
the gate i am at right now in Munich, is for an ANA flight to tokyo. so there's many japanese here :) the airport here is quiet
how much i don't wish to be back in reality, because... being in reality is so gloomy & heart-sinking. more more photos
Saturday, April 2, 2011
3.5 year old Ethan and octopuses swimming in the sea of colour. ah, i really dislike packing... lol
Friday, April 1, 2011
As sun sets, air turns cool. It's so difficult to find a nice place in HK to relax without being surrounded by concrete buildings...a decent piece of grass for example... Either you have to travel a good while or walk up some bluish grey hills... it should be something every neighbourhood could enjoy... like Burnaby Lake, Hibiya Park, Hyde Park, the meadows, Lake Geneva's wifi shore etc... the density in urban area in Hong Kong is really unbelievably high, will we die from "concrete compression"?! Sometimes I feel like we are living in a big machine, even in less populated Pokfulam Road all you see is buildings, roads with cars zooming back and forth, and highly-maintained walls of slope, trees on the hills are carefully fenced so they won't easily die or fall subsequent to human alteration of the landscape. And who exactly influenced our concept of "parks" - to make us feel satisfied from those tiny-concrete-paved-area next to the heavily traffic roads...? sigh...history education is so important, it is not distant, but everyday issues that still impacts our world and inter-cultural relationships and understanding. One of the books I saw ytd was "Why kids hate schools" quite curious question isn't it, let's read next time. 今日の発表はとても面白いよ。みなさん、もうがんばれ。今日の日本googleの画像は可愛いねー私の大好きな日本。たくさんがあるよ!もっと/動物/新幹線日本がんばれよ!Donate now to support disaster relief effort. 一人じゃないよ
Hedgy and Blackie,
Hong Kong,
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