Friday, May 2, 2014


一吃便是數小時,吃得飽飽後泡了不同花茶,躺在床上跟小獅畫畫讀詩集,轉眼太陽已開始下山,光影雲朵在海上起舞,我們也趕緊走到草地上散步。周中休閒的一天,不用練習立刻能投入放假心境。在kinfolk table裏還有很多想做的食物。煮飯是最簡單而快樂的活動之一。
'weekends provide solace and respite from the cluttered noise that we endure during the week. Blankets pulled tighter, loved ones gazed on more thoughtfully, clocks ignored. We'll sprawl belly-down on the living room floor, and read that book that we were too exhausted for during the week. Best of all, the kitchen becomes a sanctuary and food will be appreciated.' - Issue 9, Kinfolk

1 comment:

K. said...

Oh the quote. Le belle weekend!