Tuesday, June 29, 2021


就這樣我們就養了喵喵,當時一同帶回家的弟弟妹妹,雖然經過好多錢、時間同埋effort 但最後都救唔到。不過亦係因為喵喵,我才知道有咁多義工認真和無私地為動物付出,好多都做了義工好多年,而做義工係真係好辛苦的,日日都要搬重的東西如食物和籠、執屎、日以繼夜急住聯絡不同的人,每天都有好多動物要幫忙。
常常都會收到一些生世很可憐,皮包骨,有傳染病的貓狗,那些你以為只會在新聞看到的事情,但當義工後就會知道,是常常發生的 - 繁殖場、搬家丟下狗狗,狗狗由十六公斤變得六公斤,被養在室外滿身皮膚病、斷了腳、被屍蟲咬到入腦,乜都有。

所以如果大家想養動物,真的要consider 選擇領養,而且現在什麼品種的貓狗什至是其他動物都會在領養中心找到的,只要你願意等一等就會有。


Well, I'd like to visit the moon
On a rocket ship high in the air
Yes, I'd like to visit the moon
But I don't think I'd like to live there
Though I'd like to look down at the Earth from above
I would miss all the places and people I love
So although I might like it for one afternoon
I don't wanna live on the moon
I'd like to travel under the sea
I could meet all the fish everywhere
Yes, I'd travel under the sea
But I don't think I'd like to live there
I might stay for a day there if I had my wish
But there's not much to do
When your friends are all fish
And an oyster and clam aren't real family
So I don't want to live in the sea
I'd like to visit the jungle
Hear the lions roar
Go back in time and meet a dinosaur
There's so many strange places I'd like to be
But none of them permanently
So, if I should visit the moon
Well, I'll dance on a moonbeam and then
I will make a wish on a star
And I'll wish I was home once again
Though I'd like to look down at the Earth from above
I would miss all the places and people I love
So although I may go, I'll be coming home soon
'Cause I don't want to live on the moon
No, I don't
Want to live
On the moon

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