Wednesday, August 18, 2021


今日係造書小組double celebration 午餐,扮去了意大利(現在在香港一律都要扮去旅行)但今天這裹有大落地玻璃和好多好多植物,十分之開心。
雖然坐在優雅嘅意大利餐廳,但我哋一定好嘈,同埋散發住來自山同海嘅氣息, 巴不得下午不上班就去海裹去玩。

有一個好瘦嘅同學仔Yvonne 不停話要減肥。
一個casually weekend 都環島跑嘅同學仔Dr. K 話自己依家好廢,唔係成日跑咁長途。
今日睇咗本書嘅dummy, 真係好靚呀,突破大家對呢類publications 嘅想像 cannot wait to get the real thing!! 裹面都好靚㗎。

Birthday Girl Yvonne 係我2014 年識嘅朋友,被佢訪問過兩次,一次係金鐘啦,一次係寫信!(所以其實我同yvonne 都可以加入浪漫派)

佢哋好快又去kayak喇, 聽佢哋講 yvonne 有兩個朋友都會去,dr. k & friends 初初好質疑呢兩個人掂唔掂(因為佢哋成日去啲trip 都好瘋狂,又過夜,又長途,風暴雷暴黃雨都唔取消咁) then yvonne said, 嗰兩個朋友,以前有自己艇同埋跌咗落水,都隨時游到18 km omgg, 呢啲人好crayyyy 


我有時游水無乜動力,或者想skip pilates class 嘅日子都會諗吓呢啲朋友仔。
At least i tried.... 

我要重點講吓dr. k 同埋yvonne 都係用zip lock bag 做銀包,dr. k 嗰個係biohazard specimen bag, 佢哋話要防水喎..... 

本書, It's about all the collaboration between the medical institutions / hospitals and the community, so to reduce re-hospitalisation and improve quality of life of different vulnerable/ sick people in the community.

This one is Island East specific (which includes all the small outlying islands)

The collaboration include working with NGOs, patient associations, schools, religious institutions, outreach nurses and doctors, establishing call centres, working with GPs, district councillors, developing district patient support etc.

It's a topic I am very interested in as well (well, partly as a junior patient myself! where do you seek help, where do people seek help and support etc.) (p.s. 你今日做乜話呢個唔係我passionate about 嘅題目,呢個係我十分十分之passionate about 嘅題目呀)

Kept thinking how much effort people put in, and also pondering whether each of it works well.

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