Sunday, December 4, 2011


it's really interesting how we watch the same film or read the same book in different stages of our lives and have totally different feelings, or picked up something we haven't noticed before. the texture between cheesecake and souffle is where the best world lies, it's the world of 淡雪チーズスフレケーキ, what kind of flavours can we infuse into it? eggnog? where's my imaginary christmas tree? isn't it good that there are things to look forward in our lives? the home in rural Yamagata in The Departures is so beautiful..
there are so many good books in the world - read, breathe, think, draw, bake, walk and smile!
當有時間,就不知道該先做什麼,是重看看過幾十遍的書嗎?那肯定是 La Riviere a L'envers或L'Élégance du hérisson...哈。又會無試過撞到都鍾意睇呢兩本書的人。

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