Wednesday, September 19, 2018


1. 為什麼當年我要痴住這間美術館- (因為這家美術館是在日本很有名的繪本家田島征三先生的,而我自少就想畫兒童書了。)
2. 為什麼他們邀請我回來畫這裹的風景 - 因為自那年開始,我每年都會回去探他們。也設設實實地成為了兒童書的畫家和作家;在美術館裹的經驗對我的藝術創作也很有影響。他們讓我看見另一種藝術的可能性- 跟城市中的美術館或拍賣行中的很不同。

[Japan work diary - at Seizo Tashima's Picture Book Museum]
Since the making of art is almost always more interesting than the end product, so I'm on display too, at the museum.
It was a short weekend, but a great one with lots of encounter and love.
Drawing in the biggest hall of the museum, every visitor came and watch and said hi. Among them the children are the cutest, some would stand for more than thirty minutes, just quietly watching. Got to chat with many of the people, who were curious why among all people, they invited me to work on this project. (well even my mom asked that...) That is because I was one of the special volunteers that have been with them since the beginning of this museum, when it all started, I helped painting all the installation together with the local grandmas, and many other volunteers, and since then, have been returning to work with them almost every year.
It's strange to think how there are people here who love me so dearly and always wait for me as a family. Trusts my passion in children's book illustration. And honestly they're not ordinary people, Seizo-san is a very famous picture book artist that published over 70 books in Japan, (where editors always have to wait for him for hours) but they always treat me like their dear daughter, even though I'm obviously a free spirited, non Japanese-like "kid."

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