Friday, August 21, 2020


You know what we're like now, we are like our parents' generation, that can only spend a lot of time saving money, before they can go on ONE special journey. A lot of people in our generation has been so used to travelling, and all of us suffer immensely during covid 19, first world problem for SURE! But to look at it positively, I guess it's a good time for us to savour the memories of our past trips bit by bit, and also carefully think of how we want our next trip to be, instead of just hopping on a plane as a way to avoid real life problems. 
[Eng below] 今早,見到黑色唐狗Amir反肚子的樣子,我感動得差點要哭出來。又收到Anna 的foster 的文字和短片,她之前一直被放在家外,過着有一餐無一餐的生活,沒有冷氣,只有蚊叮蟲咬,還要被人欺凌,結果這兩隻唐狗都是負着大傷,被救到我們那裹。

黑色唐狗Amir 就有bone fracture, 有人叫我們慳錢,直接amputate 算,但在醫院住了一段時間,已經有明顯改善了。

黃色唐狗Anna 被救回時要做手術,聽說本來的主人因為懷孕而不再有時間理這五隻狗,任由他們在外面生活。不過暫託爸爸說她好乖,現在見到任何人都好熱情,真的很難想像他們曾經是住在外邊多年的流浪狗。

On the other hand, 今早剛巧見到有人領養了一隻害羞BB 唐狗,好大壓力,text 我們的dog trainer 說覺得自己還是搞唔掂一隻rescued dog..... 

所以,其實你去買隻名種狗也有機會是勁害羞,也有機會有重病,而領養一隻所謂traumatized 的動物,也有機會是性格勁開心的。

Amir always had this scared look, but just the first day since discharging, he was stretching out his legs, and rolling his belly up for rubs, I almost cried seeing it. 

Was so touched seeing Anna's foster's message & video too, both Anna and Amir were adult mongrel dogs, that lived a tough life outdoor, water and food were only given from time to time, always in heat or in cold, itchy from fleas and insects, and worst of all, both of them were victims of bullying, both came to us with a big wound and required expensive surgery. 

Foster said “She greets me with a very waggy bum every morning! A wonderful sweetheart! Just adores attention. Every time she met new people at my apartment, within two minutes, she scratches at them for attention haha ❤️” 

On the other hand, I heard yet another person who said they think they "cannot manage a rescue dog" (after adopting a shy puppy.... but they have met the puppy least they reached out to our positive reinforcement trainer) 

Said it many times, but even if you go buy at the most expensive breeder/pet shop, there's still a chance your dog would be super shy or have serious illness, while even seriously "traumatized" animals can have sweet and outgoing personality. 

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