Saturday, May 7, 2011


you know how great it is that we get to see seasons change - it brings back old memories and signals the approaching of an unexplored future. the sky is changing every minute as the sun sets. so great I am back home early enough for this beautiful moment of the day. just like the book we read today - おひさまおはよう。So tired after a day of work. Went to Citysupe briefly, but still couldn't decide on what to make. joy c wanna make cupcakes. I wanna make the extremely challenging totoro macaron, or kashiwa mochi, cute crepes or obento. what should we make?
unbelievably tired....I really should do some relaxing things for tonight, and shove away the proposal, revision and the articles. it's unhealthy if I don't take my mind of them and get a proper rest first. for the record, i dreamt about work last night...

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