Wednesday, December 23, 2015


"This morning I worked on an orchard of plum trees in bloom; all at once a fierce wind sprang up, an effect I had seen nowhere else but here, and returned at intervals. The sun shone in between, and all the little white flowers sparkled. … I went on painting at the risk and peril of seeing the whole show on the ground at any moment -- it's a white effect with a good deal of yellow in it, and blue and lilac, the sky white and blue.”
Letter from Vincent to Theo van Gogh, c.11 April 1888

還有不到一周二零一五年就要完結了,這一年來做了好多不同的事情,其中一樣是開始了p-route, 就是每個周末或假期都會從家中跑步上山頂,然後到金鐘吃午餐和買咖啡,再經過花園道行往般咸道方向。上班的日子也會走路上中大的山頂,很多時出發前心情不好或者身體不適,一點兒也不想去,但行完一段路就會好起來。好多我喜愛的作家和畫家都喜歡走路,已經寫了很多遍,但仍樂此不疲。每次重讀他們的日記或信件仍會有發現。
近日BBC Radio 4 有一個關於Virginia Woolf (下文會稱她狼小姐) 的節目叫A Walk of One's Own, 她父親是一位作家但亦是mountaineer, 所以她自細便走很多路。年幼時,她跟家中七兄弟姊妹每天都會從22, Hyde Park Gate的家往Kensington Gardens 來回走路兩次。後來她跟丈夫搬往南部的小村莊中的Monk's House, 羅醫生早前也去過,很漂亮。對狼小姐來說,走路和寫作的關係是密不可分的,可以說她是在每天走路的過程中一面創作。在Monk's House 居住的日子,每天都會走兩小時路,而且她是一個走路好快和走得很遠的步行者。
初搬往Monk's House 時,狼小姐跟狼先生打算每天都一起步行和種花,可是很快,她便發現自己較喜歡一個人走路,而他則更喜歡打理花園。結果,他們擁有一個十分十分令人羡慕的小花園。一九一九年八月十四日的一封信中她寫到‘our address will be Monk’s House, with niches for the holy water, and a great fireplace; but the point of it is the garden. I shan’t tell you though for you must come and sit there on the lawn with me, or stroll in the apple orchard, or pick – there are cherries, plums, pears, figs, together with all the vegetables. This is going to be the pride of our hearts, I warn you.
顯然,大自然的寧靜在這段病重抑鬱的日子中對她來說很重要,草木是她的藥物也是她的靈感來源。其中一位作者曾經這樣形容狼小姐:"Her morning walk through it to her writing lodge was a vital part of her creative routine." 就算在不適的日子,也會移動房中的木椅,讓自己看見整個花園的風景,欣賞 “the sun catching apples winking in the trees.” 在寫給朋友的一封信中寫道“I sleep and dress in full view of the garden.
梵高和狼小姐都喜歡大篇幅地形容花草樹木,而我則很偏愛閱讀這些,確實,我總被圍繞身邊的各式各樣綠色或草木形狀所吸引,深綠青綠反光瓦面,讀到他們的文字就如遇上知音般。曾經有人統計過,在她的小說Mrs. Dalloway 中總共有一百零三種花種登場。而梵高的作品中亦有很多都是繪畫果樹、花朵等等。
在我住的城市裏,一條大街不難找到十間八間藥房,卻沒有治癒好城裏的人。我的草藥在p-route中,其實這草藥並沒有完全使所有事情都好起來,就像梵高和狼小姐般,最終也沒有好起來,可是直到最後以前,他們依然每天繼續這些修練。好吧,其實我喜歡梵高和狼小姐也因為他們都活於很多很多不能控制的苦楚之中,都好努力地找尋安靜。剛打印了未畫好的故事書,是時候食午餐了,已經遲了很多,師母說過練習心經必須要準時使用玉蜂針。假如每天都面對同樣的問題,又不能解決,又不敢再跟其他人再說,實在是一件好難受的事,所以我還是不繼續寫了,不想想起仍然很深刻的可怕時刻。很喜歡狼小姐的最後一封信,有時掙扎很大,尤其是充滿內疚的,雖然不可能全都是其中一方的錯, no 但仔細想想,可能不論狼小姐、我或梵高,都發現原來全是自己的錯。今晚會去どらや,希望會好愉快。On a positive glance, You have shared some happiest moments with me in 2015, and i cannot be more thankful. 

"A last try – a night sky with a moon without brightness, the slender crescent barely emerging from the opaque projected shadow of the earth – a star with exaggerated brightness, if you like, a soft brightness of pink and green in the ultramarine sky where clouds run. Below, a road bordered by tall yellow canes behind which are the blue low Alpilles, an old inn with orange lighted windows and a very tall cypress, very straight, very dark." - Vincent van Gogh to Paul Gauguin, Auvers-sur-Oise, on or about Tuesday, 17 June 1890.
"One may have a blazing hearth in one's soul and yet no one ever came to sit by it. Passers-by see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on their way." Vincent Van Gogh

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