Friday, March 26, 2010

Sun. shine. on. me (5/infinity : )

讓那蝸牛遊行遊進櫃裏 天鵝湖移民小杯裏 搬到這裏 陪我們定居 
Maoshan will be secretly going back to Hong Kong next week, but as mentioned, secretly. dun want everyone to know, so ma fan. Maoshan will have an artjamming birthday party, people need to dress up as colourful as possible. and we will have many small canvas, and everyone needs to paint something for me and with a HUGE cake, (i already called Jerry) The person who wears MOST COLOURFULLY gets a PRIZE! 二十三歲的今天﹣為世界添色彩!!! that could be a Ms. HK slogan. In my LPC application i said about wanting the world to be more colourful (in terms of fashion) - to john green in my interview
I haven't had a huge cake for ages. probably i can pay for the party and have a wish list, i want: hand made card, white flower, bear, stuffed animal, love, love, fun, children's book, fun time; play me a song. 

People who are allowed to the party include:
Jaci| my special guest | Rachel (whom I wanna meet with WWS immediately in Sift); Nick Chan | vb | Wai Sum - who has disappeared, and I am ultra annoyed | Joyce Lee (my little love, a siu mui mui from St. Stephen's) | Niki (my little sunshine, another siu mui mui from St. Stephen's) | Man Ki and Steve (two other little kids)
- will continue add on to the list - 
Desiree Wong Yan is not on this list because she never failed to 甩底
Others like Holing, Michelle and Mattchiu are welcomed to the magic community under the big red mushroom virtually. Too bad you are not here, seriously, i wish nei dei are here! 

I will be living in Happy valley starbugs with my dissertation together with vb, come visit me
紅色屋頂 經已在你面前 靜靜懸掛著 讓你那小鹿避雨 休班天使下凡 
也可請他進內用晚餐 陪著你 陪著我 平靜過 全日最安定時間 

人生誰說一定只是藍 看你從那條門縫著眼  幸福 著色 完全隨你揀 
讓那珊瑚同床陪你睡去 彩虹長年橫跨房裏 
 這個世界 大概總有誰 能容納沒處去的怪人 
 撐著屋頂 守下去

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