Friday, April 1, 2011


As sun sets, air turns cool. It's so difficult to find a nice place in HK to relax without being surrounded by concrete buildings...a decent piece of grass for example... Either you have to travel a good while or walk up some bluish grey hills... it should be something every neighbourhood could enjoy... like Burnaby Lake, Hibiya Park, Hyde Park, the meadows, Lake Geneva's wifi shore etc... the density in urban area in Hong Kong is really unbelievably high, will we die from "concrete compression"?! Sometimes I feel like we are living in a big machine, even in less populated Pokfulam Road all you see is buildings, roads with cars zooming back and forth, and highly-maintained walls of slope, trees on the hills are carefully fenced so they won't easily die or fall subsequent to human alteration of the landscape. And who exactly influenced our concept of "parks" - to make us feel satisfied from those tiny-concrete-paved-area next to the heavily traffic roads...? sigh...history education is so important, it is not distant, but everyday issues that still impacts our world and inter-cultural relationships and understanding. One of the books I saw ytd was "Why kids hate schools" quite curious question isn't it, let's read next time. 今日の発表はとても面白いよ。みなさん、もうがんばれ。今日の日本googleの画像は可愛いねー私の大好きな日本。たくさんがあるよ!もっと/動物/新幹線日本がんばれよ!Donate now to support disaster relief effort. 一人じゃないよ

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

你究竟幾時invite我哋上你屋企欣賞無敵海景? 你的cake/ice-cream party 究竟幾時兌現?