Thursday, April 8, 2010

bon appetit, voila voila lol

French food is much more subtle, but good, french onion soup, baguette, crepe, yoghurt, Chardonnay, fromage, tea etc. doesn't feel like a constant craving, but it's like an elegant and fulfilling type of food. 

不是嘩眾取寵,令人留下深刻印象那種味道,但喜歡的話,總會常常想起,吃後感到很舒服。沒有中國/東南亞那種過度刺激/古怪味度,或英國/美國咁好多好多薯條蓋過了所有味道, 意大利菜的濃烈

香港好吃法國菜,想想,是不是一定要Joel Robuchon, Gaddi's, Amber, Caprice or Amigo!? (Hmm,香港原來除便想想都有咁多間出名法國菜,唔計Agnes b o個d lol)
我地全部都係小朋友,只可以食LGB macaroon & Simplicity真crepe;Pastis Bistro Francais? 
