Thursday, September 30, 2010

reflection in a drop

Breezy day, went swimming outdoor, very rare for me, as I always go indoor. It was so windy like California, you know! So wanna do more exercise, walked from Central to Pokfulam Road today - always love this walk, day and night , feels like Autumn is coming, and soon we can do a lot more outdoor activities + paint outdoor. 
Met Wai Sum for dinner at IFC, and suddenly there were lots of smoke + 火光next to the Central pier, some fire engines came and put it off lol, quite mysterious. Yomama also had some mysterious brown dark dark brown froyo, ahhh mysterious, meeting old friends' always fun - so much to share and laugh about, no? 
So much I should get going and think about, so glad Friday's holiday too. Loving Japanese- but I have to make sure I sleep more so I can be fully awake during class. love love love. need more time to just sit and think about the upcoming story, draw and try out... +oil sinnnnn 

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