Wednesday, October 27, 2010


今日,我地去旅行!好開心呀。呢種天氣令人特別開心。見到好朋友都好開心。雖然個個人都要走,不過佢地都係去做d自已鍾意同埋想做的事,isn't it an encouraging thought? 
Started today with a morning walk from Causeway Bay to Central, then joined Nick to travel to CUHK to visit Ming Wai! yeah! CU is beautiful ah, and we spent a quiet little afternoon in the *architecture studio* :P Beautiful sunny chilly weather! ahhh. 
Met with Tammy jei jei in the evening! Walked from CWB into Happy Valley, even though we haven't seen for a little while, but it still feels enjoyable to talk about everything : ) Like chatting with her on the street outside Yogo, we both love hanging around in Happy Valley. Wish you all the best in Shanghai la!!! Why is everyone leaving! Hmm? Going to miss those who are not in Hong Kong ah! 
P.S. Today was like a little escape from normal routine and tasks, the change of weather, and itinerary was very refreshing. closer to nature. closer to dream
there are some things i dun understand......

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