Sunday, August 8, 2010

「回到」東京 03 - 煙火祭

Everytime after a long long journey , I feel a little different in heart, there aren't many such ones in the past the last time was probably form three's summer in yunnan. There were always a lot of things which we couldn't let go while trapped in a tiny and suffocating city like Hong Kong, many like competition, jealousy, pressure...  being away, meeting other cultures, other people, all the sweet encounters, the near death perils, makes you realize very concretely exactly how big the world is - and how boundless our ability are as a human being. There are often a lot more we could do then we imagined. It's also a long long while since the last time the culture of a place amused me, weird isn't it, even though we travelled to Kenya, Laos, Europe (?), Beijing (?) etc. etc. many things seems to be as imagined, or more westernized than we imagined, but here in Japan, there's always still a sense of mystery and muse!
It was hanabi matsurii yesterday night, if you were a Echigo-Tsumariian, you know how the firework here in Japan are different from those in HK. Almost all cities and towns over the country holds hanabi matsurii during summer, even the tiny city Ume we were in last night, the park was stuffed with people sitting on the ground with sake, wine, olives, maki sushi, and many people wore yukata! How exciting. Interesting how Japanese old people looks like those in animation. The firework lasted for more than an hour, almost two, it's less intense than those in HK but still very beautiful, feels much closer... people shouted and clapped on beautiful ones, amazing how easily amused people are, no? Still stunned by simple but gorgeous things, and perhaps the great time with friends and family in the summer breeze. To me, the experience of living with a Japanese family and participating in their everyday life here is very priceless and rare, feels extremely fortunate : )
P.S. Casually looked back at the early summer blog posts I wrote this morning, realized it's a time I really enjoyed, IFC rooftop, yomama, with Nick and Wai sum lol, PP Buying candles, Dbay mimolette, with Phoebe and Tammy etc.... Most of the times in life I look back at beautiful pictures and realize that I didn't really enjoyed that part of the memory as much as I appeared to be, but that was a great time I liked.
P.P.S. When I was young (around six) my dream was to live on a caravan with all the things I adore - close to me, drive around the country (Canada) and sell hotdog to make a living... when I was in high school, I still dream that I could bring all the things that I adore and travel around on a donkey back around the world...與世無爭 somehow always wanted to be a nomad alone... 

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