Monday, August 2, 2010

細味京都 04

For here, i should write another post! efish, the closest cafe to 鴨川,the river that flows in Kyoto, it's right between two rivers, and u can see the water flow flow flow, sooooo beautiful in the sunset/blue evening, seriously. 
Today was 大滿足, am I just easily satisfied, or is Kyoto too good? 
Started the day with ame the cat still by my side, she's a very human like cat, I almost wonder whether she'd start talking with me.... walked in the bamboo forest of arashiyama, there seems to be something new to discover everyday, and of course, as usaul sweated a lot in the 35*C....... lol
Back in city centre, had lunch at a very beautiful cafe, with an antique 雜貨店+clothes + bookshop! ideal shop no? Had a modern style of 京料理,傳統京料理,懷石料理is all about yasai (野菜), the tofu is especially good....... and the matcha latte is arguably the best ever. Shopped around a bit, bought a book.... the books in Japan....... ....... .....
Now at efish, ..... come experience yourself. 
"Kyoto is a city of secrets. Thousand of secrets. Hidden behind ancient walls, down tiny alleyways, under layers of gestures and artifice. Myriad pockets of incredible beauty that reveal themselves to those willing to see and discover.." 

1 comment:

stephen said...

I agree...this is my favourite place in Kyoto, where i come 2 or 3 times each week to enjoy the simple beautifully presented food, nice coffee, wonderful soothing views...and the friendly cheerful waiters who are happy to practice their English on me. I spend my time writing letters, drawing, reading