Thursday, October 28, 2010

damask rose

看來明天還是帶空氣蘋果機出街好。沒看過這個exhibition的人會不會以為這是一個大蛋糕放在白色桌子上呢?In fact, it's a 1:1 ispahan on a 1:3 table set : ) 
いい天気ですよ。今日朝、学校へいきました、それから、Happy valley へいて、写真を取りました。楽しかったです。Then took tram back to Wanchai to get the ispahan, it's great that there's tram in HK, such a relaxing speed. remember last year Christmas Eve? We also ended up going to Happy Valley by tram : ) Love to take the tram in winter breeze : ) 
Really wanna write something creative recently, many short-term targets, sleepiness should get out of my way. : ) 
i saw a rainbow yesterday, and i made a wish, will it come true? 

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